Most businesses have multiple local towns from which they generate revenue. Getting your website found in these multiple towns for the services you provide can prove very challenging but the rewards are significant!

44% of searchers click on the results shown just under the paid ads.


These 3 local results are known as the snack pack or 3 pack and have become Google’s new standard.

Top 3 Local (Snack Pack) Organic Paid More Local Results
44% 29% 19% 8%

Whats needed to get in the top results

What Hitlocal includes

Local Results Google Essentials
Physical address matching the local search area
Local telephone number
Reviews and ratings
Google Business Page
Local Schema business markup
Relevant local content
Google based signals
Business citations
Consistent NAP use

As experts in local search services we will focus our strategy on increasing your visibility
in Google across multiple local areas for the search terms that generate your business the most profit.

Why Choose Us